Thursday, October 2, 2008

Just for Fun

So as you're checking out the Kashi site make sure you stop by the cookie game! It'll also take you to the Kashi commercials. I know it's crazy... but I lOvE commercials!

Hello Healthy People!

I thought you all should checkout the Kashi website. They're doing this "Go ahead, steal a cookie!" campaign. It's very cute and I always love promotion healthy deliciousness. If you have chance go the site and get your free cookie!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

First Post Ever

So I'd like to open the forum to discuss my favoirte Food-on-the-Run (FotR) for all the Dudes-on-the-Run (DotR). Yes, that would be Kashi. Let's share what's purely delicious, what's purely nutritious and what's a little of both. Let's start out with the "TLC" bars. The use of the "TLC" cleverly equates the "Tasty Little Crunchies" or "Tasty Little Chewies" (there are now many other varieties of "Tasty Little..." somethings) with Tender Loving Care (awwwwwww). Cliche? Perhaps. But so delicious, filling and it makes me feel like I'm doing something good for myself! (Which does not happen often - if at all)